This practice area includes our Firm’s active involvement in matters primarily channeling investments and/or transfers of our clients with respect to their business.

Once the transaction is defined, our Firm works with other accounting and tax professionals with whom it has a strategic alliance, so as to assist the client in defining the best alternative for its investment.

Once the manner is decided upon, the Firm has qualified teams of professionals who participate as necessary to carry out the due diligence process prior to the transaction. Here the area works together with other areas to provide coverage on corporate, labor, regulatory, tax, trademark and contract matters, in order to determine any contingencies that should be foreseen.

It is so that our Firm has actively participated in transfers of ongoing concerns, assignments of credit portfolios and insurance contracts, acquisitions of stock holdings and corporate restructuring.

As applicable, the Firm also takes responsibility for submitting the reports required under the Competition Defense Law, by applying for the relevant transaction permit.

Recent relevant cases:
  • Advice in negotiating and entering into the acquisition of a majority stock holding in a bank by another bank, and subsequent merger between both institutions;
  • Negotiating and entering into customer portfolio assignments involving several occupational risk insurers and various banks;
  • Advisory services for corporate restructuring of three automobile manufacturers, financial institutions and service companies; and
  • Negotiating and entering into the acquisition of a majority stock holding in a prepaid health care company. 
Tel 54-11 5272-9600